P.E.I. gas prices drop after unscheduled price adjustment
Gas is down 3.3 cents per litre on P.E.I. Friday morning after an unscheduled price adjustment.
Drop of wholesale petroleum prices prompts IRAC's unscheduled price drop

Gas is down 3.3 cents per litre on P.E.I. Friday morning after an unscheduled price adjustment.
It will now cost between 95.9 cents and 97 cents per litre for regular self-serve at the pump.
Furnace oil is down four cents per litre, and diesel has dropped three cents.
Propane prices are staying put for now.
Today's unscheduled price adjustment by the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission is due to the continuing drop of wholesale petroleum prices.
On Thursday oil dipped below the $37.00 per barrel mark.
IRAC's next scheduled price adjustment is Dec. 15.