Gas prices fall on P.E.I. following first weekly price adjustment
No price adjustments were made for propane

Gas prices fell on P.E.I., in an overnight scheduled change by the Island Regulatory Appeals Commission.
The scheduled price change is the first since IRAC's recent announcement that it would move from bi-weekly price changes to weekly changes over the next two months.
Just after midnight the minimum price for self-serve gasoline decreased by 5 cents per litre. Prices now range from $1.152 per litre to $1.164 per litre, according to IRAC.
Pump prices for self-serve diesel fell by 4.8 cents per litre, ranging from $1.210 to $1.221 per litre.
Islanders will see furnace prices decrease by 5 cents per litre. Including taxes, the maximum price for furnace oil is $0.925 cents per litre.
No price adjustments were made for propane. The next scheduled price change for the Island will be on Aug. 16.