6-storey apartment building in Charlottetown gets official go-ahead
Work on a six-storey apartment building on Grafton Street in Charlottetown is expected to begin by September, the developer says.
Building in Polyclinic parking lot passes 2nd reading at council meeting

Work on a six-storey apartment building on Grafton Street in Charlottetown is expected to begin by September, the developer says.
City council gave the project the official go-ahead Monday night when it passed second reading.
In a text message to CBC, Tim Banks, CEO of APM, said now it's a matter of dotting the i's and crossing the t's.
The building would be located at 199 Grafton St., in what is now a parking lot behind the Polyclinic.
It would contain 84 units, of which 60 would be designated affordable housing, and would include a parking garage on the lower levels.
The project is expected to be complete by January, 2023.