P.E.I. MLA back on the road to prevent impaired driving New Year's Eve
Plans cleared with Chief Public Health Office

Hal Perry, the MLA for Tignish-Palmer Road, will be offering rides free of charge for constituents New Year's Eve, despite the pandemic.
This is Perry's 10th year offering the drives.
While the pandemic is restricting the size of parties this year, Perry noted people can still invite as many as 10 guests into their homes.
"That's going to happen," said Perry.
Plan ahead. Don't drink and drive.— MLA Hal Perry
"People in my community, if they venture out, and they do overconsume on New Year's Eve, I would prefer that they call me to arrange a drive home [rather] than drive under the influence themselves."
Perry said he launched this initiative with the goal of educating people about impaired driving.
"I wanted to get that message out that there are choices. So plan ahead. Don't drink and drive," he said.
Perry said he has discussed his plans with the Chief Public Health Office and has been given approval. Seating will be limited in the vehicle and everyone will be wearing a mask. Perry will also be opening windows to improve ventilation.
Bookings are already coming in, he said.
If you are looking for a drive in West Prince New Year's Eve, you can message Hal Perry on Facebook or call his cellphone at 902-882-0481.
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With files from Island Morning