Summerside brings back Halloween fitness passes despite critics
'We're not saying not to give away candy on Halloween'

It's no trick — the City of Summerside's Halloween fitness passes are back for another year, despite the criticism it received last year.
"We're not suggesting to replace these passes for candy," explained J.P. Desrosiers, director of Community Services for the City of Summerside.
"But it's an alternative, in amongst the big bags of candy kids get on Halloween, why not throw in a couple of opportunities to come in to the Credit Union Place and use our facility and be active."
Passes popular, despite nay-sayers

Last fall, the city decided it wanted to offer a different kind of option for young trick or treaters.
Rather than give out candy, residents were encouraged to give out $1 all-access fitness passes — good for bowling, swimming or skating at Credit Union Place.
The plan attracted national attention, and some controversy, with some saying it was the wrong tactic — and sends the wrong message to children.
But the passes were popular, with more than 2,000 handed out, and a high number of them redeemed by young visitors to the fitness facility.
Desrosiers said, despite the nay-sayers, the idea was a success and that's why the passes are back for another Halloween.
"I thought it was fantastic," he replied. "Any time you can get national recognition about a program or service you're offering as a recreation department is great."
'Throw in some physical activity'
"I think the message is pretty clear that we're not saying not to give away candy on Halloween but … that maybe we should throw some physical activity in with the mix of all that candy," Desrosiers added.
The passes are sold in booklets of ten passes for $10 — a discount from the regular price of $30, and go on sale on Oct. 1.
They must be used between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 and are for children 12 and under.
The City also offered the fitness passes as stocking stuffers last year, and sold another 2,500 passes.
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