Hillsborough Bridge walkway 'has to be made a priority'
Pedestrian, bicycle access part of Regional Active Transportation plan for capital region

Stratford Mayor David Dunphy is continuing to press the province to commit to a pedestrian and bicycle path on the Hillsborough Bridge, which connects the community to Charlottetown.
An engineering study last spring found the bridge can support a walkway, but the province has yet to come up with the estimated $5 million required to build it.

"We've had discussions with the minister and we will probably meet with them during the winter coming up, and we're continuing to lobby them," said Dunphy.
"The actual work on the Hillsborough Bridge is really is a provincial responsibility, it's really their cost. We've done our part, it just has to be made a priority by the province to get it on the capital budget to make it happen."
Municipalities meet with province
Dunphy said the bridge is a pivotal piece of the Regional Active Transportation Plan, which will connect Stratford, Charlottetown and Cornwall with cycling lanes and trails.
The municipalities met Thursday to update a provincial standing committee on its plans.
Meanwhile, Charlottetown says it will continue to add bike lanes while completing infrastructure projects.
Cornwall is hoping the province will consider adding bike lanes along the stretch between the town and the North River Causeway, after the Cornwall bypass project is complete.
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