Holiday Host program needs volunteers
'Newcomers to our community are really looking for ways to integrate and be included'

A program that matches newcomers families with Islanders over the holiday season is once again seeking volunteers.
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The Holiday Host Program has been running for 20 years and is "a lovely way to get people, strangers, to meet over a celebration where we celebrate generosity and camraderie and fellowship," Joe Byrne with the P.E.I. Association for Newcomers to Canada told Karen Mair, host of CBC Radio's Mainstreet.
The program introduces newcomers to the Christmas holiday season and the traditions that surround it.
"Christmas traditions even among families on P.E.I. are different. So imagine that you're coming from a different culture and all of a sudden you're introduced to this," said Byrne.

Byrne said the number of host families needed is still a little bit in flux, but the association usually makes between 12 to 20 matches, and "could do more."
Right now they are trying to match up 14 newcomer families before Christmas.
The program is one of the longest-running offered by the association and is "a lovely opportunity," said Byrne, to share P.E.I. Christmas and New Year's traditions as well as learning about what Christmas is like in another culture.
A one-time-only committment
"The family that wants to host a newcomer family is not making a lifetime committment," said Byrne.
"Although I talked to someone on Friday that was matched last year and they're going to match up again this year because they just enjoyed their companionship so much ... It's just a commitment to say come on in and share part of our holiday with us.
"Newcomers to our community are really looking for ways to integrate and be included in things, so this gives them insights into what we're like around here."
Byrne encourages host families to share photos and stories about their hosting experience.
"Sometimes there's a little bit of mystery around newcomers," said Byrne. "And this actually demystifies some of that, especially around a major celebration like Christmas."
If you're interested in being a holiday host, contact the P.E.I. Association for Newcomers at 902-628-6009 extension 224, or email
Listen to Mainstreet on CBC Radio weekdays from 4 to 6 p.m.
With files from Karen Mair