'Verbal and physical altercation' resulted in stay away notice to city councillor, says Holland College
Charlottetown council member Edward Rice ordered to stay away from college's city campus

Holland College has issued a statement to explain why it issued a stay away notice to city councillor Edward Rice.
The statement accuses the councillor of being involved in what College officials are calling a "verbal and physical altercation" involving a female staff member on July 13.
According to the college, the incident stemmed from the removal of a photograph of Rice and the performance hall's benefactress, Florence Simmons, from the lobby of the Florence Simmons Performance Hall.
"A female Holland College employee was greeting patrons when Councillor Rice approached her to ask about a photograph which had been on display in the performance hall lounge," according to the statement issued by the college.
"During the ensuing altercation, Councillor Rice used profane and threatening language, restrained the woman by holding her arm, and touched her several times without her permission. At one point she raised her hand and asked him to stop," according to the statement.
The college says the altercation, which it says lasted more than seven minutes, was recorded by a security camera.
The photograph was of Councillor Rice and the performance hall's namesake and founding contributor, Florence Simmons. According to the College, the photograph had been removed earlier in the day after its frame was accidentally damaged.
Rice declined comment Friday when contacted by CBC News.
Charlottetown Police told CBC late Friday afternoon that no criminal charges are coming.
When CBC contacted Rice earlier this week he said, "I was totally surprised" by the notice. He wouldn't comment on its contents. He said he had questioned the college's plan earlier this year to demolish nearby low-cost housing to make way for a new college building.
The Holland College notice to Rice instructs him to stay away from the college's Charlottetown campus.
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