Home Hardware in Stratford will close before Christmas
Closure will throw 60 employees out of work

The 60 people working at the Home Hardware store in Stratford will be out of work just before Christmas, the company confirmed Friday.
Employees were told late Wednesday afternoon that the store was being shut down.
Friday, the numbers of those affected and the closing date were confirmed.
"There are 60 employees," wrote Jessica Kuepfer, Home Hardware's Public Relations Coordinator. "The store will remain open until Dec. 16 at which time all staff will be given outplacement support."
The parent company had said it had decided it was no longer going to operate the location as a corporate store, and it was not able to find a local franchisee to take it over.
Stratford does not have an economic development employee at town hall, but Mayor David Dunphy said staff will work to help find a new retailer.