'Enough is enough': Group gathers to raise awareness about people facing homelessness on P.E.I.
‘I slept outside three days ago and I woke up with icicles on my feet’

People raising awareness around those facing homelessness on P.E.I. gathered outside the legislature on Friday afternoon.
"There's funding going on for everything but for homelessness, and a lot of us are sleeping on the streets, some even dying," says Daniel Acorn, who was part of the group gathered.
"I slept outside three days ago and I woke up with icicles on my feet … I got to one of the homeless shelters at four o'clock and there's already 10 people there, so I slept outside."
Acorn said at the peak of the gathering there were about 15 people outside the legislature asking for more funding for those facing homeless, funding for affordable housing and increases to the amount of money given to those on social assistance.
"Enough is enough, people are dying. It is getting winter time," Acorn said, adding that he had hoped to speak to MLAs when the legislature closed out for the day.
'It's rough'
Acorn and his fiancé have been dealing with homelessness for the past six days, he said. They use the outreach centre in Charlottetown during the day, but they have to split up at night.

"It's been very hard, it's rough."
Acorn is staying at a shelter right now, with his partner staying at another. He said that means they don't get the chance to spend the day together because in order to get a bed people have to show up early.
"You have to get there three hours before they open," he said.
"We just need more supporters. We need more people to be on our side and get something done about it."