Province looking for people to serve on new housing council
Seeking people with 'wide range of knowledge and expertise,' says minister

The province is creating a housing council to advise cabinet on how to proceed with its housing action plan.
The council will include at least 10 people, including four government members, says Family and Human Services Minister Tina Mundy.
"Every day we hear of people who are facing housing challenges and we work with those clients one-on-one. Many are facing multiple barriers to obtaining and securing long-term housing," Mundy said.
The group will provide advice to the cabinet committee on housing, help with the newly created community housing fund and give direction to a new housing hub.
"We're going to be looking for people to bring a wide range of knowledge and expertise and leadership skills related to our housing challenges. We're looking for people with knowledge in the housing sector, markets, experience with developers, landlords, service providers.
"We'd be looking for someone with experience in construction, architecture and engineering."
The new housing hub will focus on point-in-time need and market analysis and trends, Mundy said.
"They will be there to identify and leverage any funding opportunities that might be out there."
Apply until Sept. 14
Municipalities and the private sector can also help, Mundy said.
"Anyone who might be able to lend a creative solution to meet the housing needs of Islanders today and into the future."

Islanders can apply to join the council through Engage PEI until Sept. 14.
'We're going to get there'
Members will not be paid to attend meetings, but travel expenses will be covered.
"I am so excited and relieved that for the first time ever, P.E.I. has a housing action plan and we have key pillars and key actionable items already going out the door," Mundy said.
"I know we have a lot of work to do, but I know each and every person around that table is bringing their knowledge, their time, their passion and their talent to the table and we're going to get there."
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With files from Angela Walker