Equestrian centre denied land application by province
Owner wanted to purchase land on Hyde Point Road

A proposal for an equestrian therapeutic centre to move into Meadowbank, P.E.I. has been turned down by the province.
The owner of the business, Ellen Jones, was working on a plan to buy and develop about two hectares that would be subdivided off a larger piece of land at 98 Hyde Point Road.
Jones wanted to build a small residence and barn in which she would provide leadership training with six horses.
Last month that plan went before a public meeting, where some neighbours voiced concerns.
'Left with more questions'
The business was in need of new land after the old location was expropriated by the provincial government to build the Cornwall bypass.
Jones said she met with government officials recently and was told about the decision, although she has yet to see the official documentation.

"We met with them. We left with more questions," she said.
The land in question is in a special planning area, that has limited allowable uses, therefore the province had to decide if Jones' plan fits into those uses.
A spokesperson with the Department of Communities, Land and Environment wrote in an email that the application was denied because it does not conform to the requirements of the special planning area.
Jones said once she receives the written decision she and her legal counsel will discuss next steps. Jones does have the right to appeal the decision to the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission.