Red Cross ice safety video puts the 'shan't' in sea shanty
Fun PSA has a serious message, says P.E.I. Red Cross representative

Canadian Red Cross officials on P.E.I. say a new sea shanty video being used as a PSA is fun but has a serious message.
The social media campaign is helping Canadian Red Cross officials get out their message about winter ice safety.
"Only play where the ice is thick, if a sign is posted obey it," the YouTube video tune starts out, in a tribute to the current sea shanty meme craze.
"Grey ice, stay away, blue's the thickest, hard to say if white is thick enough each day, you're better safe than sorry," goes the refrain.
Alanna Green, the program manager with the Red Cross on the Island, said people need to be especially cautious about ice safety given the recent freeze-thaw weather.
"They think that it's good to go, but sometimes it's not," she said.
"So we just want to make sure that everybody is aware to take a look and be prepared. The best way to remember is that the blue is best. So blue ice is the best ice to skate on."