More land on P.E.I. should be protected, says Island Nature Trust
3.5 per cent of P.E.I. land currently under protection

With the federal government stepping up with new funds for land protection, the P.E.I. government should set a higher target for protecting lands on the Island, says the Island Nature Trust.
The federal budget, released Tuesday, includes a five-year, $1.3 billion commitment to the conservation of natural areas. The money is set toward a goal of protecting 17 per cent of Canada's land by 2020.
The province of P.E.I. has also set a target for land preservation, at seven per cent. Megan Harris, the executive director of the Island Nature Trust, is suggesting a 10 per cent target.

"I think that is achievable," Harris said.
"It is difficult when you have a province that is so densely populated as P.E.I. to look at 17 per cent as being realistic. But I do feel that a number that is higher than seven per cent is realistic for P.E.I."
Currently, 3.5 per cent of the land on P.E.I. is under protection.
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