P.E.I. libraries delivering batches of books to daycares
'Keep that connection between the kids and the local library alive'

With daycares unable to visit local libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic, the P.E.I. Library Service is bringing the books to the bookworms.
For the last decade, the service has been dropping off books every few weeks to long-term care facilities and nursing homes.
Now it's doing the same for daycares, and it wants more to sign up, according to the regional librarian.
In an interview on Island Morning, Grace Dawson said staff wanted to increase access to its wealth of resources and materials, so this summer they launched a new delivery program to get books into the hands of more children.
Library workers are selecting "new and engaging books that children really enjoy" from the shelves and delivering with a new batch of 20 books to 35 daycares every month to six weeks, Dawson said.
"It's been nothing but positive," she said.
Keep kids connected
Libraries are gradually reopening with restrictions in place that prevent young people in some groups — such as early-years and child-care centres — from attending public programming.
Dawson said many centres now registered for the program had previously participated in the library-run activities, but are no longer taking part because of physical distancing protocols and the limited number of people allowed inside at any given time.
"I think they're really excited just to have a way to still have access to materials and keep that connection between the kids and the local library alive," she said.
Library workers have made two trips using a delivery van to offload books "so the centres don't have to worry about transportation issues," she said.
Dawson said she hopes more centres will join the program, which is being offered by the 26 libraries across the Island this fall.
Staff who are up to date on the popular and cutting-edge content, she said, are open to suggestions from the kids and daycare workers about what books they want to read.
"The kids are really excited," she said.
Dawson said any learning centre that wants to participate can contact their local library.
With files from Island Morning