P.E.I. liquor stores could miss thirsty tourists
Liquor sales almost 60% above average in July and August

Tourist season usually sees a big boost in sales at P.E.I. liquor stores, but the P.E.I. Liquor Control Commission says it's too early to talk about what might happen this year.
"There are a number of variables that will ultimately affect our overall sales for the fiscal year, and it would be improper to speculate on what they may be before all the facts are known," the liquor commission wrote in an email to CBC News Wednesday.
Provincial borders are currently closed to tourists, and there is no date set for them to reopen.
The summer months are easily the busiest at the province's liquor stores. More than a quarter of liquor sales for the whole year come in July and August.
Festive December, with sales of $11.6 million in 2019, does not come even close to matching those high tourist season months, where sales averaged $15.7 million last year. December sales are only slightly higher than shoulder season in June.
The commission said so far there has been no major impact in the diversity of products offered and sold at P.E.I. liquor stores.