Island fishermen being polled about season extension
'It won't be something we proceed with unless there's quite a bit of significant support'

Island lobster fishermen are being asked if they want an extension of the spring season.
In most parts of the Island, the season is scheduled to end on June 30th, but low catches in some areas and stormy weather have prompted a discussion around adding more fishing days into July.
Lobster fishermen hope higher prices make up for lower catches
P.E.I. lobster fishermen getting more for their catch this season
"It's very preliminary at this point. We're doing a canvas amongst our harvester organizations to see if there's interest for us to proceed," explained Ian MacPherson, executive director of the P.E.I. Fishermen's Association.
"It won't be something we proceed with unless there's quite a bit of significant support."
'Ultimately the decision is made by DFO—Ian MacPherson, P.E.I. Fishermen's Association
Cold water temps 'a surprise'
It is the P.E.I. Fishermen's Association that would make the formal request to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for an extension.
MacPherson points to parts of the Island where catches have been down 35 to 40 per cent over where they were last year — including French River, Rustico and Covehead.

"What's been unusual about this year is in certain areas the water temperature has remained quite a bit colder than comparable dates last year," said MacPherson.
No circumstances to warrant delay: DFO
A spokesperson for DFO Gulf Region says the department has not received any request from P.E.I. for an extension to the spring lobster season but says there was no delay in the opening so "no circumstances which would warrant an extension of the season".
She adds that conservation and protection of stocks are key factors to be considered, including the risk of interfering with egg hatching, mating and molting.

The department has received approximately 10 requests for extensions to lobster seasons since 2004, with three of those requests approved.
"People will weigh off the pros and cons and first and foremost, we'd want to protect the resource," said MacPherson. "Ultimately the decision is made by DFO."
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