Mobile lice treatment business a head scratcher for many
Reassurance is a big part of the job

Many people are surprised when they hear about her mobile lice treatment service, says Krista MacLeod, but her clients really appreciate the service.
"People are in panic mode," said MacLeod.
MacLeod launched Nit Ridders in November, and recently received a micro-grant from the P.E.I. Business Women's Association.
"It's funny, because when I first say this is what I do they're like, 'Oh!' and then they're scratching their heads," she said.
"Everybody thinks it's great because there isn't anything like that in P.E.I. So it's been really positive. It's nice to have somebody to go in to reassure or to have me as a second set of eyes."
MacLeod has been a hair stylist for 18 years, and so has a lot of experience with the pests.
Initial treatment and follow-up
With Nit Ridders, MacLeod will come to your home, administer an initial treatment, and provide instruction on how to examine heads for lice and how to clean up sources of recontamination, such as clothes and bedding.
She'll return a week later to do a follow-up treatment and check that everyone in the house is clear.
MacLeod said reassurance is a big part of her job, and in particular, letting people know that lice infestations have nothing to do with personal hygiene.
MacLeod plans to use her micro-grant to set up a web site to promote her business.
More P.E.I. news
With files from Island Morning