Older workers on P.E.I. most likely to be working by necessity
People past the age of 60 who are in the workforce are more likely to be working out of necessity if they are on P.E.I. than in any other province in the country, according to Statistics Canada.
Most older Islanders working because they need to

People past the age of 60 who are in the workforce are more likely to be working out of necessity if they are on P.E.I. than in any other province in the country, according to Statistics Canada.
The special survey was an addendum to the Labour Force Survey, and covered people working from August of 2017 to September 2018.
It found 53 per cent of older Islanders in the workforce were there out of necessity.
The lowest percentage was in Saskatchewan at 44.6 per cent. The national average was 49 per cent.
In an emailed statement, a government spokesperson noted the Island was close to the national average, adding the work of older Islanders was particularly valued as the labour market on the Island tightens.