Zombies needed for P.E.I. paintball game
'Dream job' for those who like to scare the 'jeebies' out of people

An Island paintball business is looking to hire some zombies this summer.
Well, not actual zombies, but people interested in playing them for a new live-action role-playing game put on by Crossfire Adventure Paintball in Cavendish, P.E.I.
The game is described as a tactical, live-action zombie shooting experience combining elements of the Call of Duty video game with the The Walking Dead television show and an Escape Room adventure.
Crossfire owner Dean Johnstone said he needs to hire up to 10 actors to play the zombies. The job pays "a little over minimum wage."
If you're over sixteen, have transportation, like to play act and are looking for a very different kind of job where you get to scare the jeebies out of people: this may well be your dream job.— Crossfire owner Dean Johnstone
Two of Crossfire's playing fields have been turned into a huge movie set resembling an apocalyptic town.
Players form 10-person teams with a specific mission that includes fighting off zombie attacks.
"So we are looking for some fun-loving, thrill-seeking, able-bodied zombies to play the part of the antagonists," Johnstone said.
"If you're over sixteen, have transportation, like to play act and are looking for a very different kind of job where you get to scare the jeebies out of people: this may well be your dream job."
The company is also looking for actors to play squad leaders.
Games will run weekends at dusk with a mid-June target date. Weekday dates may be added later.