Study examining 'unique situation' of P.E.I. 20somethings in the pandemic
Survey will capture what life has been like for young Islanders during COVID-19 pandemic

A researcher at Western University is looking for Prince Edward Islanders in their 20s who are willing to talk about their COVID-19 pandemic experiences.
Student Gemma Postill spent some time on the Island in the last year, and was struck by how different life was compared to her experience in Ontario.
"I remember getting out of social isolation, and we tested COVID negative, and going to the first restaurant for the first time and just being like, 'Whoa, this is crazy,'" said Postill.
"When you're 20 and you're a low-risk person in a low-risk area, it's a really unique situation in the pandemic."
She felt the situation was worth documenting.

Now she is looking for Islanders willing to take part in her study. It starts with a survey that takes just a few minutes, and is followed by a one-hour phone interview.
UPEI Prof. Caroline Ritter, who is supervising the project, said it is important to study the pandemic now, while we are in the midst of it.
She pointed out that what we learn could make life easier for people in future pandemics.
People interested in taking the survey should email Gemma Postill.
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With files from Island Morning