Perseid meteor shower firebolt leaves Islanders in awe
Here are some of the photos and videos you've shared so far

The Perseid meteor shower is upon us yet again and Islanders are sharing plenty of stunning, brilliant views from across P.E.I.
One fireball in particular just after 9 p.m. on Tuesday night caught people's attention.
The meteor shower is one of the best summertime treats. Under optimal conditions — clear, moonless dark skies — at its peak, the shower can produce up to 100 meteors an hour.
The meteor shower runs from July 17 to Aug. 26, with the peak occurring this year on the nights of Aug. 11–12.
Here are some of the photos and videos you've shared so far.
Pretty cool stuff tonight !! <a href="">#Meteorshower</a> <a href="">#burningup</a> <a href=""></a>
I got a photo of the crazy fireball that flew across the Atlantic sky at 9:12pm August 11th, as a result of the perseid meteor shower! <a href="">@NASA</a> <a href="">@CBCPEI</a> <a href="">@CBCNews</a> <a href="">@weatherchannel</a> <a href="">@CNNweather</a> <a href="">#PerseidMeteorShower</a> <a href="">#Meteorshower</a> <a href="">#fireball</a> <a href=""></a>
We were treated to this incredible meteorite showing last night at 9:12Pm ADT on eastern <a href="">#PEI</a> Our daughter saw it, took her phone, flipped to picture app, turned it to video and zoomed in and she still caught the last third of the showing! <a href="">#PerseidsMeteorShower</a> <a href="">@CBCNews</a> <a href="">@CTVNews</a> <a href=""></a>
Lol i loved the audio! I had a houseful of teen girls we only caught the end of it ... they were loud ☄️ <a href=""></a>
The Perseid meteor shower was lively last night with a few burning streaks across the sky. This is a timelapse spanning several minutes. <a href=""></a>
Happened to catch a shot of the meteor flaming up over Charlottetown tonight...someone should check and see if Optimus Prime is walking down University Avenue...<a href="">@CBCPEI</a> <a href="">@PEIGuardian</a> <a href="">@Eastlink</a> <a href="">@weathernetwork</a> <a href=""></a>