P.E.I. sending fresh produce to Hurricane Irma victims
Shipment includes potatoes, carrots and rutabagas

The P.E.I. Potato Board and the provincial government are partnering with Island farmers to send more than 18 tonnes of fresh produce to people affected by Hurricane Irma in Florida.
The tractor trailer load will leave Prince Edward Island Wednesday for Georgia. It is expected to arrive Saturday, where it will be distributed by Second Harvest of South Georgia.

"We are a small Island with a big heart," said Premier Wade MacLauchlan in a news release.
"This is a concrete way we can help those affected by doing the things we know best – growing quality food and sharing it with those in need."
There are seven partners in the project, in addition to the potato board and province.
- Vanco Farms
- Gerrit Visser & Sons
- Rollo Bay Holdings
- Sherwood Produce
- P.E.I. Vegetable Growers Co-Op
- Morley Annear Transport
- Cavendish Produce
The trailer will include 17 pallets of vegetables, including potatoes, carrots and rutabagas.
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