RCMP find Lennox Island man dead near personal watercraft
First responders unable to revive 37-year-old man

Prince District RCMP say a Lennox Island man has died in an incident involving a personal watercraft.
RCMP responded, along with the Tyne Valley Fire Department, to a report of a man dead near the watercraft around 4 p.m. on Friday, according to a police news release.
The man was found next to a Sea-Doo at the wharf at Ellerslie-Bideford, said William Bishop, Tyne Valley's fire chief.
He said the man was discovered face down in the water. But Bishop said when he arrived the man had been removed from the water by locals and firefighters had begun CPR.
"The boys were performing CPR on him when I got there," Bishop said.
Island EMS arrived shortly after and also tried CPR, according to Bishop.
The 37-year-old man was on the water alone and had been wearing a life-jacket, RCMP said in the release.
The investigation is ongoing.