RCMP cracking down on loud exhaust pipes
Number of complaints up this summer, says officer

The RCMP are on the lookout for loud vehicles across P.E.I., looking for vehicles with non-regulation exhaust pipes, particularly motorcycles.
RCMP announced in the spring that they would be targeting excessive motorcycle noise this year.
Sgt. Leanne Butler, operations supervisor at Queen's detachment, said there will be a day later this week when officers will be specifically on the lookout for loud vehicles.
"We're always on patrol, but we quite often have targeted enforcement days that we do," said Butler.
"Sometimes we focus on speeding, other times we focus on cellphone usage. And we'll be having another one in the near future, and that day one of our focuses will be on loud exhaust systems on motorcycles."
Altered exhaust pipes
In a news release, the RCMP said the vehicles it is targeting are ones where the exhaust system has been replaced or modified, and the muffler removed.
As with any other traffic initiative that we do, they're not secret. We tell people what the problems are.- Sgt. Leanne Butler
RCMP have posted about the focus on this issue on its website and Facebook page. Butler said she hopes people will think twice if they do have an altered exhaust pipe.
"As with any other traffic initiative that we do, they're not secret. We tell people what the problems are. And the problems, really, are for road safety reasons," said Butler.
Increase in complaints
Butler said the focus on loud vehicles is in response to an increase in complaints this summer.
"We have had a number of community members across the Island and they have given their concerns about these loud exhaust systems that are on motorcycles. So because of the increased amount of concerns and complaints, we've decided to focus on that and try to combat some of it while it's still motorcycle season."