Students pitch red fox as provincial animal, clear big hurdle
'Just from our imaginings in Grade 5'

The red fox may be on its way to becoming P.E.I.'s provincial animal thanks to some elementary school students from Montague.
The students from Edwena Arbuckle's Grade 5 class in 2015 started the process, and earlier this month it passed the hurdle of the legislature's education and economic development committee.
"It was a great process. I never thought it would grow to be this big," said Keaton MacDonald, now a Grade 7 student at Montague Intermediate.
The project started off as an exercise in persuasive writing, but the idea captured the imagination of the students, and Arbuckle carried it over to last year's Grade 5 class. The project became a different kind of lesson when she contacted the clerk of the legislature for some basic information on provincial animals.

A little while later, she heard back from the clerk's office. She was told the education and economic development committee wanted to hear from the students.
"We're learning more about the political process on P.E.I and how they can have a voice," said Arbuckle.
A trip to the provincial capital
Twenty-seven representatives from Arbuckle's classes from the last three years attended the committee meeting on Oct. 18, including four student presenters.
The committee passed a motion to send a letter to the executive council to amend the Provincial Emblems and Honours Act to name the red fox P.E.I.'s provincial animal.

"It was pretty cool for the kids," said Arbuckle.
"They're pretty excited. They think they're going to be famous."
MacDonald is looking forward to seeing the process continue.
"I would be blown away if [this happened] just from our imaginings in Grade 5 that it would be fun if this were the provincial animal of Prince Edward Island," he said.
"Now that we're this close, just, wow! It would be amazing."
Joining the blue jay and lady slipper
P.E.I. would be eighth among the provinces and territories to name an official animal.

The province already has an official bird (blue jay), flower (lady slipper), tree (red oak) and anthem (The Island Hymn).
In order for the red fox to join the list, an amendment to the act would have to be passed in the legislature. Committee chair Bush Dumville said he has a feeling the idea has a good chance of moving forward.
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