Green Party leader extends debate on referendum legislation
Debate on the P.E.I. government's legislation on the electoral reform referendum was delayed Tuesday night as Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker initiated debate on the motion to bring the bill forward.
Legislation must pass for referendum to happen

Debate on the P.E.I. government's legislation on the electoral reform referendum was delayed Tuesday night as Green Party Leader Peter Bevan-Baker initiated debate on the motion to bring the bill forward.
Bevan-Baker spoke for more than an hour before adjourning debate for the evening.
The clerk of the legislature says Bevan-Baker will still have the floor the next time government brings the bill forward.
Government has to pass the bill in order to hold a referendum on electoral reform, in conjunction with the next election.
That election is currently scheduled for the fall of 2019, but there has been speculation Premier Wade MacLauchlan will call it earlier.
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With files from Kerry Campbell