Vote Yes for a fair voting system: Opinion
MMP would ensure that votes actually equal seats in the legislature, says Brenda Oslawsky

When voters head to the polls in P.E.I. on April 23, they will also be able to vote in a referendum on electoral reform. The two options are to vote "no" to keep the current first-past-the-post system, or to vote "yes" to move to a mixed member proportional representation system.
In advance of that vote, CBC has asked the two registered campaigns on both sides of the votes for their pitch to voters. Here is Brenda Oslawsky from Vote Yes P.E.I.'s take.
On April 23, Islanders will be asked: Should P.E.I. change its voting system to Mixed Member Proportional (MMP)? Voting yes to this question will improve our democracy and move it forward.
Under our current system, receiving 40 per cent of the vote doesn't mean that you get 40 per cent of the seats. In the last election, one party got 40 per cent of the vote but got 66 per cent of the seats.
This does not give us a legislature that is the choice of the majority of Islanders.
A yes vote for MMP would fix this by ensuring votes equals seats.
Representing voters
With MMP, you get two votes — one for someone who represents your district and one for someone from a party who represents your values, regardless of where on the Island they live.
All MLA's are elected by the people and all would have constituency duties.
If 40 per cent of the Island aligns with values of a particular party, that party will have roughly 40 per cent of the seats in the legislature, so no political party can ever have more power than they've earned from voters.
Our best government is one that ensures that any decisions are made by MLAs representing a true majority of voters.
With MMP coalition governments will be more likely, but this consensus-style government will provide the openness, transparency and accountability that many say they want.
Strong opposition
MMP would also ensure that the government has a strong opposition. In the last 30 years, our current system allowed two governments with only one opposition seat. This did not represent how Islanders voted.
Voters will have truer representation and a greater voice with MMP. If your district MLA does not listen to your concerns, nine other MLAs represent you and will listen to your concerns.
MMP will be a positive improvement for all Islanders. It will particularly help rural Islanders who have not been well served by the current system.
In the last provincial election, the majority of people didn't elect anyone with their vote — with MMP over 90 per cent of people will elect someone with their vote.
Vote yes
This election we can take the first step towards improving democracy on our Island by simply voting yes for MMP. By voting yes, we will join over 94 countries around the world who have proportional democracies.
Take the opportunity to ensure our government is representative of all Islanders, is accountable to all Islanders and is the voice of all Islanders.
Vote yes, P.E.I.
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