Refugees coming to P.E.I. get help from language institute
'We are just waiting in anticipation trying to plan' for arrival of refugees

The Study Abroad Canada Language Institute in Charlottetown is gearing up to meet the language training needs of some of the refugees coming to P.E.I.
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The institute is one of the language providers with a contract with Immigration Canada.
"They will need assessment in terms of their level of need," said executive principal Carolyn Bertram.
"And also with our teachers here at the school, as well, we will need to hopefully provide some additional training perhaps in crisis management and mental health for those students that will be coming through our doors," said Bertram.
Bertram said they still haven't been told the exact number of Syrian refugees they will be teaching.
"We are just waiting in anticipation, we're trying to plan. We are moving into a new school in the new year so we are preparing."
Bertram noted that the new larger headquarters in downtown Charlottetown will accommodate four or five extra classrooms.
She said language training will be key to helping the refugees adjust to life on Prince Edward Island.