P.E.I. landlords aim to speak with 'one voice' with new executive director
Group working with government on new Rental of Residential Property Act

The Residential Rental Association of P.E.I., a group established in 2020 to represent landlords, has hired its first executive director.
Cecil Villard said he started in the position recently, and he is currently the association's only staff member.
The provincial government is drafting a new Rental of Residential Property Act, and Villard said this is an important time for the association for collaborating with government to see that the perspective of landlords is represented.
"That's probably at this point in time one of the major initiatives of the association." he said.
"Our ability to represent the association with government and speak with one voice is something that's going to benefit not only government but the association as well."
Villard said he is also working to improve member engagement. The association has created three subcommittees: one for membership, one for communication and one for legislation and government relations.
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With files from Jessica Doria-Brown