P.E.I.'s new school calendar will mean fewer interruptions
Uninterrupted instructional time 'can positively impact student achievement'

Next year's school calendar includes the same number of school days, but four more weeks that have five full days of uninterrupted learning, education officials said Monday via news release.
The 2017-2018 school calendar has just been published on the provincial government and education websites. The calendar has the same number of school days (197) as this year, and the same number of instructional days (181).
"I am very pleased to see that they have protected four more weeks of uninterrupted instructional time which can positively impact student achievement," said Education, Early Learning and Culture Minister Doug Currie.
Maximizes school time
Currie is also encouraging families to use the school calendar when planning family time and appointments "in a way that maximizes the amount of time children spend in school."
"Because March break is later next year and will run into Easter, we are hoping that families will use this block of time if they are planning extended travel," added Minister Currie.
Professional learning for teachers is directly linked to student achievement, the release notes — there are five provincial professional learning days for K-12 teachers, as well as two parent-teacher interview days. High school teachers have a day for administration at the end of the first semester.
The calendar was developed by the PEI Home and School Federation, La Fédération des parents de l'Î.-P.-É. Inc., the PEI Teachers' Federation, CUPE, La Commission scolaire de langue française, Public Schools Branch, principals, teachers and staff, the release said.
The school calendar can be found at princeedwardisland.ca/schoolcalendar.
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