P.E.I. seniors' income near national average
While Prince Edward Islanders may struggle during their working years to earn what the average Canadian does, the income for Islanders in their retirement years is close to the national average.
Charlottetown seniors have incomes above national average

While Prince Edward Islanders may struggle during their working years to earn what the average Canadian does, the income for Islanders in their retirement years is close to the national average.
According to an income report for 2015 released by Statistics Canada last week, Islanders employment income is just 80 per cent of the average Canadian's.
That same report shows the total income of seniors more closely matches the Canadian median.
- P.E.I.: $25,300
- Canada: $26,900
P.E.I. seniors' income is 94 per cent of the national average.
Seniors in Charlottetown recorded incomes above the Canadian media.
- Charlottetown: $28,590.
- Summerside: $23,660.
- Rural P.E.I.: $22,710.
P.E.I. seniors had the highest income in Atlantic Canada in 2015.
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