Over 2,000 opportunities available at this year's Skills PEI job fairs
'It's become more well-known and employers see good results from it'

Skills PEI says over 2,000 job opportunities will be available at this year's job fairs, which aim to match employers with job seekers. This is the fifth year the events are being put on.
Blair Aitken, service delivery manager with Skills PEI, said more than 125 employers have registered this year, offering opportunities for seasonal, summer, part-time and full-time work.
The job fairs will be held in Charlottetown and Summerside this week, and in Montague and O'Leary next week.
He said last year's events drew 2,300 participants with over 1,300 jobs available.
"It's become more well-known and employers see good results from it," he said.
"There's actually hiring that happens at the job fair. There's hiring that happens for a number of months afterwards."
Almost there. Are you ready to rock the Job Fairs? <a href="https://t.co/B3A4ZaYleX">pic.twitter.com/B3A4ZaYleX</a>
Aitken said for employers to be part of the event, they need to have jobs available. He said those looking for work can expect a wide range of sectors and companies to be in attendance including construction, bioscience, farming, professional and government services.
Aitken said the trades are still popular and the event has expanded on its Try a Trade section for people to try out different trades at the fair.
Exposure for students
High school students from across the province were also invited and will be able to participate in a Skills Canada competition to show off their talents in a number of competitions such as robotics and video production.
"It gives the students a great exposure to the trades, to other employment opportunities, summer employment and it allows them to talk to employers to find out what careers are all about," he said.
Participants do not have to register, but are encouraged to bring a resume.