Messy mix of snow, ice causing hazardous road conditions on P.E.I.
Up to 25 centimetres of snow, ice pellets expected

Islanders should be aware of the potential for hazardous road conditions caused by a significant amount of snow and ice pellets that fell throughout the day on Sunday.
Dispatchers and Environment Canada urged people to be cautious as road conditions deteriorated.
Mild weather changed to ice pellets overnight Saturday as temperatures dropped rapidly once the wind changed to the north, the agency said.
Poor weather expected all day
The poor weather is expected to continue into Sunday evening.
Some flights at the Charlottetown airport were cancelled Sunday.
WestJet, Porter Airlines and Air Canada issued travel advisories for several parts of the Maritimes. Customers are being asked to check ahead.
Maritime Bus cancelled several of its routes across the region on Sunday.
Alberton Community Mental Health and Addictions has announced it will be closed until 8 a.m. on Monday.
Dispatchers across the Island are reminding people to use caution while on the road. Plows were on the roads throughout the day, and are expected to continue overnight.
24 Hr Maritimes Timeline<br>Snow/ice pellet mix cont's for most of NB, PEI & Cape Breton thru the day. <br>Rain to ice pellets and/or freezing rain this AM for much of NS. Rain cont's SW NS.<br>Areas closer to coast in Lunenburg & <a href="">#Halifax</a> counties back to rain this aft.<a href="">#nsstorm</a> <a href="">#nbstorm</a> <a href=""></a>