Sport P.E.I. welcomes COVID-19 rule change to let fans return to events
Easing of more circuit breaker restrictions was announced Tuesday

The lifting of some COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on P.E.I. as of 8 a.m. Wednesday means fans in the stands at sporting events, which is good news for Sport P.E.I.
Circuit breaker restrictions implemented in December restricted attendance at sporting events to two cohorts of 50 each. That accounted for athletes and coaches from one group of two teams playing and one group preparing to play, but no one in the stands.
Changes announced Tuesday now allow for a third cohort of 50, as long as there is an approved operational plan.
Gemma Koughan, executive director of Sport P.E.I., said having fans in the stands is a big part of youth sports.
"I think of, you know, grandparents that like to watch their grandchildren play. And it's the opportunity for them, it's a social aspect for them," said Koughan.
"The kids then get to talk to their family members about how their game went."
Tournaments will also now be allowed, with some conditions.
Prior approval is required for any sporting event involving more than 50 people, and any post-tournament activities must be restricted to members of the individual teams.