Who is running for mayor in Stratford
Like Charlottetown and Summerside, voters in Stratford will be choosing someone new to lead the town

Like Charlottetown and Summerside, voters in Stratford will be choosing someone new to lead the town into the future on Nov. 5.
Three candidates have registered with Elections P.E.I. to put their name forward to be the next mayor of the town, two of whom are current councillors in Ward 2.
Leading up to the election, CBC asked the three candidates to fill out a questionnaire on major issues facing Stratford now and in the future.
Here is what they had to say.
Jody Jackson
Jody Jackson is an incumbent councillor in Ward 2.

What is your plan for more affordable housing in the town?
I would work with the federal and provincial governments to explore the development of more town-owned seniors housing. I would also seek to match interested developers with land that is zoned and available for affordable housing developments. Lastly, I would amend the zoning bylaw to allow for smaller building lots which could encourage developers to embrace higher density housing in under-utilized areas of the town.
What will you lobby for in terms of schools in Stratford?
I would advocate for two schools, one for grades six to nine and one for grades 10-12 within the same school/sports campus. I would work closely with the provincial government to ensure that this important infrastructure project remains at the top of government's capital budget priorities list. This type of investment would provide a significant benefit to the greater Stratford area for the next 40-50 years.
What needs to be done to improve infrastructure in Stratford?
We need to invest in infrastructure that will support our growing population as most of our current infrastructure was built for a town of 4,000-5,000 residents. While we have just surpassed the 10,000 resident mark, we need to ensure that any infrastructure that is built considers our future growth which could see our population reach 15,000 to 20,000 within the next 10-15 years. There is no point in investing in infrastructure that doesn't allow for future growth.
How do you want to see the waterfront developed?
I would like to see a mix of commercial and residential development, combined with a public park/boardwalk/green space with beach access that all residents can enjoy. The waterfront park would celebrate our town's diversity and would also connect with the active transportation corridor that is planned for the Hillsborough Bridge.
What would you like to see done to improve public transit?
I would expand the current transit system to include currently un-serviced areas such as Reeves Estates, Clearview Estates, Mount Herbert Road and the Tea Hill/Crossroads area. Residents in these areas have expressed their desire to have the same services as residents in other areas of the town. An enhanced transit system across our town would help ease the traffic congestion that we face in our daily commute.
Sandra McMillan

What is your plan for more affordable housing in the town?
My first order of business as mayor of Stratford will be to confer with residents, government officials and other jurisdictions to inform a formal affordable housing policy, identifying goals and options. Young families working in minimum wage positions and seniors on fixed incomes will be our initial beneficiaries.
What will you lobby for in terms of schools in Stratford?
I am firmly committed to ensuring the [Public School Branch]'s recommendation for a 7-12 secondary educational facility be built in Stratford, or a 10-12 followed by a 7-9 with confirmed start dates, and will work collaboratively with all parties to see this initiative to its successful completion.
What needs to be done to improve infrastructure in Stratford?
The town is currently working diligently to address our residents' needs. Further determination is needed regarding the cost/benefits, feasibility of future sports facilities including rinks, a pool, additional gym, as well as a library/cultural space.
How do you want to see the waterfront developed?
As a current member of the Rotary Club of Stratford I have been actively involved in developing an international park concept to replace the current site of our sewage lagoon property.
What would you like to see done to improve public transit?
More promotion is needed including creative ideas encouraging established groups to participate and families on an outing to take a tour of the routes. Let's break down a barrier and take a first ride!
Steve Ogden
Steve Ogden is an incumbent councillor in Ward 2.

What is your plan for more affordable housing in the town?
I will aggressively promote affordable housing development in Stratford by identifying the number/type of units needed, and adopting the P.E.I. affordable housing strategy and best practices (e.g., reduced land/permit costs, waived property taxes). I will explore partnering with others (municipal, provincial, federal partners, developers, service clubs) to undertake affordable housing initiatives.
What will you lobby for in terms of schools in Stratford?
I will continue to lobby for the necessary school infrastructure In Stratford for grades seven to 12 so that our students can attend school in their own community.
What needs to be done to improve infrastructure in Stratford?
Water and sewer infrastructure needs to be expanded to problem areas. A regional wastewater utility board should be explored to share decision making and ensure fair rates for Stratford now and into the future. The wastewater treatment project needs to be implemented on time and within budget. Joint green energy partnership possibilities should be explored.
How do you want to see the waterfront developed?
I would hold broad public consultations to determine how Stratford residents would like to see the waterfront developed. My personal wish would be for an accessible park with a boardwalk linking it to the pedway which will be constructed along the Hillsborough Bridge.
What would you like to see done to improve public transit?
Stratford residents would like to see transit service expanded to cover the entire town, with weekend. late evenings, mid-morning and mid-afternoon runs added. Additional stops are needed closer to seniors housing/facilities.