Surf conditions dangerous in P.E.I. National Park for 4th consecutive day
Rip currents make going into the water off P.E.I.'s North Store dangerous

Staff at P.E.I. National Park have issued a warning regarding surf conditions Monday.
High surf has made swimming in the park dangerous, for the fourth day in a row.
P.E.I. beaches are prone to rip currents, which form when waves push a lot of water onto the beach. In a rip current, the water runs back out to sea in a narrow channel. The current is too fast to swim against, and people caught in one can be swept out into deep water.
The best defence against a rip current is to stay on the beach.

Should you be caught in a rip current, you should not attempt to swim directly to shore. The current is too strong and fighting it will tire you out.
If there is someone on shore who can throw you a line, try to attract their attention.
The best tactic is to swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the rip current. The waves rolling in to the shore will then assist you in making it back to the beach.