P.E.I. tourism plan looks to maintain record growth
'It’s crucial that we build on that strength into the coming season'

The province is seeking to maintain the pace of tourism growth on P.E.I. in 2018, after breaking records in the last four years and reaching more than a million overnight stays in 2017.
The provincial government unveiled its 2018 tourism marketing campaign Monday afternoon.
"The tourism industry has delivered major returns for Islanders over the last number of years and it's crucial that we build on that strength into the coming season," Economic Development and Tourism Minister Chris Palmer said in a written release.
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This year's campaign will continue to use the slogan "Come Find Your Island" — the province says it has been working well, and reinforces a consistent message.
Focus on 'soft adventure'
The 2018 campaign includes a digital and social media, billboards, murals on transit shelters, elevator ads, airport advertising, print and radio ads, television partnerships and more.

"Our traditional strengths like food, culture, and our beautiful scenery and coastline remain our biggest selling points in the 2018 campaign," said Brenda Gallant, Tourism PEI's marketing director.
"But we are also sharpening our focus on soft adventure like cycling, hiking, and kayaking and Indigenous experiences which were identified in Vision 2021 as major potential drivers of visitation," Gallant said. Vision 2021 is a five year strategic plan developed by the industry to help grow tourism on Prince Edward Island.
P.E.I.'s economy relies heavily on tourism — the industry provides more than 7,700 full-time jobs for Islanders.
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