Putting their hearts into it: P.E.I. youth make valentines for veterans
'To show them I love them because they protect Canada'

In Stratford, P.E.I., youth celebrated Remembrance Day by creating sparkly pink and red homemade valentines to hand out to veterans next February.
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It's the third year the town of Stratford has taken part in the program through Veterans Affairs Canada, called Valentine's for Vets, and this year kids created about 50 cards.
"I think it's really amazing what all the soldiers did and they fought for our country, and I think it would be nice if they had a card on Valentine's Day," said 10-year-old Kiera Sharpley, who wanted to thank veterans for their service.
The activity helps children understand the purpose of Remembrance Day, said Stratford's recreation co-ordinator Rachel Arsenault.
'Veterans that don't have anybody'
"It gives the chance for kids to actually remember, and put a bit of sentiment into it and realize there are veterans that don't have anybody and will not get anything on Valentine's Day," Arsenault said.

Newcomer Patrick Ho, a 16-year-old from Vietnam, also made valentines as part of his family's first Remembrance Day in Canada since moving here less than a year ago.
"I made a card, it has a heart in it to show them I love them because they protect Canada," said Ho.
Veterans who receive the cards through Veterans Affairs Canada may not get any other valentines than these and are touched, organizers said. They plan to continue the program next year.
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With files from Stephanie Brown