P.E.I. grants aimed at helping prevent violence against women
'It is very important that we engage in measures that reduce the instances of violence,' minister says

A new round of grants from the Interministerial Women's Secretariat will support community-based efforts to prevent violence against women.
The Violence Against Women Prevention Grant will provide $50,000 to community organizations for innovative projects to enhance awareness, education and action toward preventing violence against women.
'Affects everyone'
Women constitute the majority of those seeking services for family violence-related issues in Prince Edward Island, the province said in a news release. It said women have consistently made up at least 94 per cent of recipients of emergency protection orders under the Victims of Family Violence Act.
"Violence against women affects everyone," said Paula Biggar, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. "Violence against women comes at a high social cost; and it impacts health and justice systems, as well. This is why there needs to be a focus on prevention. It is very important that we engage in measures that reduce the instances of violence from occurring in the first place. "
$50K grants
The $50,000 in grants will be administered through project funding to community groups through a request-for-proposal process.