Day 13 of P.E.I. election: Primary industries, rural health care on agenda
Environmental forum at UPEI Monday evening

Here are some of the events that unfolded in the P.E.I. election campaign Monday.
The Liberals made an announcement in Murray River at 10:30 a.m. on their platform for primary industries and the environment. They promised a $10 million plan for primary industries and environment. The plan offers $8 million for shoreline protection, $1 million for reforestation, $1 million for soil health improvement.
From there Liberal Leader Wade MacLauchlan carried on campaigning in eastern P.E.I. including districts 3, 4, 7 and 8.
The NDP were at the other end of the Island, in O'Leary, for an announcement on rural health care at 11 a.m. The plan includes recruiting family physicians, reducing wait times and maintaining emergency services. Leader Joe Byrne then returned to Charlottetown to campaign in his own District 12.
Green Leader Peter Bevan-Baker campaigned in his own District 17.
PC Leader Dennis King was out knocking on doors in his home District 15.
In a written news release, the PC Party announced its ideas for updating the workings of the legislative assembly including an annual sitting calendar similar to one used by the House of Commons. King also promised free and open election of committee chairs and deputy chairs on standing committees among other changes.
The PCs also announced Monday they would set up a $5 million fund to support research and information on women's health issues and needs.
All four leaders participated in a forum on the environment at UPEI Monday evening.
Election day is April 23.