Leaders meet, greet and rally on day 17 of election campaign
Liberals in Charlottetown, Greens go west

Here are some of the events scheduled in the P.E.I. election campaign for Friday.
The Liberals will make a campaign announcement on retaining health care professionals at St. Mark's Church in Charlottetown at 9:30 a.m. Leader Wade MacLauchlan will also campaign door-to-door in districts 10 and 11 in Charlottetown, in District 16, Cornwall-Meadowbank, and his own District 8, Stanhope-Marshfield.
The Liberals will also hold a rally at East Wiltshire School starting at 7 p.m.
Green Leader Peter Bevan-Baker will start the day at an open house at the South Shore Walk-in Clinic in Crapaud. Then he will head up west for the afternoon, campaigning in districts 25, O'Leary-Inverness; 26, Alberton-Bloomfield; and 27, Tignish-Palmer Road.
Bevan-Baker will host a meet and greet this evening at his campaign headquarters in Crapaud.
NDP Leader Joe Byrne will spend the day canvassing in his home District 12, Charlottetown-Victoria Park.
At publication time, CBC News had not heard from the PC Party what its plans were today.