New child care spaces, early learning training promised by Liberals
300 new child care spaces over the next three years

The Liberal Party of P.E.I. is promising to expand and improve the early learning education system on the Island.
The Liberals held a campaign announcement on education Wednesday morning. Voting day in the province is April 23.
The Liberals promised 300 new child care spaces over the next three years, including infant spaces, for which they say there is a growing need.
Some of those spaces would be in entirely new centres, established in collaboration between the public and private sectors. The Liberal Party would provide support for businesses and organizations that provide on-site child care for employees.
The Liberals see a need for more flexibility in the system, saying they would add spaces covering times outside the regular 9-5 for parents working shifts. They also intend to "significantly reduce parent fees by 2023."
The Liberals promised to continue to invest in training and higher pay for early learning educators.
According to the Liberal platform, released earlier this week, the party's early childhood education plan involves an extra $5.5 million in spending.