P.E.I. waste management sites opened up for some items
Spring cleanup starts this week

Starting Monday disposal sites for P.E.I's Island Waste Management Corporation (IWMC) are open to the public for the dropping off of some waste materials.
The sites had been closed to the public during full restrictions in the COVID-19 pandemic in March and April, but are open now as part of IWMC's first phase of easing those restrictions.
"We are not taking all material types, but also we're going to be limiting the number of customers that are coming into the facilities," said Heather Myers, disposal manager with IWMC. "So that we can maintain physical distancing with the customers and the customers and the staff."
The disposal sites will now accept the following materials from the public.
- Asphalt shingles.
- Appliances and furniture (but not mattresses).
- Tires.
- Yard debris.
- 20-lb. propane tanks.
- Construction, demolition and renovation waste.
Materials will need to be sorted by the person bringing it. IWMC Staff will not be assisting in unloading.
The number of vehicles on site at any one time will be limited, and social distancing must be observed.
Myers said IWMC will monitor the situation to determine when it would be possible to enter the next phase and allow more materials.
Spring cleanup
Roadside collection for spring cleanup will start this week as usual.

Yard waste is being collected this week. Next week will be for waste pickup. The week of May 18 will be another yard waste pickup.
All the usual rules, such as bundling yard waste in four-foot (1.3-metre) bundles weighing less than 50 lbs. (23 kg) apply.
Customers will also be able to drop off more yard debris at the Waste Watch drop-off centres. Some fees may apply.
Myers said the preferred method of payment is credit card or debit card and that paying with cash is discouraged.