P.E.I. community groups receive funding to benefit women and girls
Province supporting projects empowering Island women

Ten P.E.I. community groups will receive funding from the provincial government for projects to help empower Island women and girls.
The money is being provided through the 2019 Interministerial Women's Secretariat Grants for the groups to develop inclusive leadership programs for women and girls across the province.
"I am very proud of the great progress we have made towards being a more equitable, diverse and inclusive place for Island girls and women. We continue to challenge ourselves to make Prince Edward Island the best place for everyone," said Paula Biggar, minister responsible for the status of women, in a news release.
"I look forward to seeing these projects come to fruition, to hear of their meaningful impacts in everyday lives, and to realize together, with community organizations, a bright inclusive future for all Islanders."
The P.E.I. Business Women's Association will receive $10,000 "to offer professional development resources to Island women, particularly in rural P.E.I. and help them gain leadership skills," said Margaret Magner, executive director of the group, in the release.
The P.E.I. Coalition for Women in Government will receive $22,330 to collect and preserve the political history of Island women and educate the public about the role women played in the history of P.E.I., including an educational component for Island children.
Additional funding for programs geared toward women and girls went to: Action Femmes, Sierra Club Foundation, Cooper Institute, East Prince Women's Information Centre, Women's Network P.E.I., Sport P.E.I., the P.E.I. Association for Community Living and Chances Family Centre.
Since 2015, the Interministerial Women's Secretariat has provided over $685,000 in grants to community organizations across P.E.I.