P.E.I. Women's Institute making masks for the QEH Foundation
Money will go to nitrous oxide equipment

What started as a project to fill the need for non-medical masks at seniors' homes has turned into a fundraiser for Charlottetown's Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
The enthusiastic work of volunteers with the Women's Institute means the group has enough masks to offer them for sale as well. The money raised will go to the QEH Foundation, the WI said in a news release.
Funds raised through mask sales will contribute to the purchase of two scavenging nitrous oxide systems. The systems reduce the amount of respiratory droplets from patients while administering nitrous oxide.
Nitrous oxide use has been restricted during the pandemic. The gas is used for sedation and pain relief during childbirth and for children undergoing painful procedures.
The masks are available for sale through the QEH Foundation.
The WI is still taking requests for mask donations from organizations in need, the news release said.