Pesticide bylaw protest draws crowd to Charlottetown City Hall
Protesters gathered outside Charlottetown City Hall late Monday afternoon to voice their displeasure over council's move earlier this summer to send a cosmetic pesticide bylaw back to a committee for more discussion.
Mayor Clifford Lee has invited protesters to set up a meeting to discuss the matter with him
CBC News ·
Cosmetic pesticide rally
10 years ago
Duration 2:03
Charlottetown Mayor Clifford Lee addresses protesters seeking a cosmetic pesticide bylaw.
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Protesters gathered outside Charlottetown City Hall late Monday afternoon to voice their displeasure over council's move earlier this summer to send a cosmetic pesticide bylaw back to a committee for more discussion.
A crowd of people gathered in front of Charlottetown City Hall Monday to protest city council's recent decision to not adopt a pesticide bylaw. (Steve Bruce/CBC)
There was particular anger directed at Councillor Bob Doiron as he entered city hall. He chairs the city's environment committee and made the recommendation to delay passing the bylaw.
Eventually, Mayor Clifford Lee addressed the crowd.
Lee says he supports the bylaw, but that his hands are tied.
"I can tell you that it's a campaign promise I committed to during the election campaign and it's not a promise I'm walking away from," he said, adding he can't force councillors to vote a certain way.
Before heading into the council meeting, Lee invited protesters to set up a meeting with him to discuss their concerns.