Record low entries for Easter Beef Show and Sale
29 entries in annual show

The annual show and sale was held in Charlottetown Friday with 29 cattle entered in the competition. That is the lowest number of entries in the show's history.
Easter Beef Show and Sale president, Don Godfrey wonders if rising beef prices across North America may be the reason cattle producers are not entering the show.
"There's good optimism in the beef industry and people that are in it are doing well," said Godfrey.
"They're saying well, I can get over two thousand or twenty five hundred at the plant. I don't think I'll go through all that work of preparing an animal for the show."
Worth's 1300 pound steer named Black Jack Billy sold for $7,800.
Prices were up by a $1.70 at this year's show.
Beef producers on Prince Edward Island continue to decline. There are now 325 compared to 800 a few years ago.
Beef farming is important to the Island's economy. It is expected to generate $40 million this year.
Worth is happy with her win and plans to be back next year.
"Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to coming back next year and see what we get," said Worth.
Godfrey said he is hoping next's years numbers will increase so the beef industry will continue to get exposure on P.E.I.
"We have a nice tidy little show here and the buyers that come to the sale are the people that make that place."