Muslim group reuniting refugees with families on P.E.I.
The Muslim Society of Prince Edward Island is hoping to help bring a few more Syrian refugees to P.E.I. The group has completed the applications for two Syrian families to come to the Island through private sponsorship.
Private sponsorship of refugees with connections to local mosque

The Muslim Society of Prince Edward Island is hoping to help bring a few more Syrian refugees to P.E.I. who already have connections to the province.
The group has completed the applications for two Syrian families to come to the Island through private sponsorship.
They say they've already raised at least $30,000 within the Muslim community.

"We have two families who attend our mosque so we approached them, and we talked to them and that's how we identified the families that we are sponsoring," he explained.
The group is now preparing applications for the private sponsorship of two more Syrian families, and hope to bring in more in the coming months.