P.E.I. Salvation Army hopes to help more with home heating assistance program
Major Daniel Roode says low furnace oil prices will benefit program and those it helps
The recent drop in the price of furnace oil in P.E.I. may help the Salvation Army's home heating assistance program to benefit more people.

The provincial government increased the amount it provides to the program.
Major Daniel Roode says he hopes the program's funds will go further this year with lower prices.
Furnace oil down is down 13 cents a litre since Jan. 2015.
"What it means is that when there are folk who are in need, they look to us for help with that. We're only as good as the resources we have. So lower oil prices will mean that we might be able to help a few more people," said Roode.
Roode says demand for the home heating assistance program increases every year and he doesn't expect this year to be an exception.
About 200 families were helped last year.